


有用户登录记录,已经按照日期去重。求近三十天,用户连续登录超过3天的次数,一直连续登录算一次,有间隔然后重新计算次数, 要求不能用开窗


| user_id  | login_date  |
| 001      | 2024-07-03  |
| 001      | 2024-07-04  |
| 001      | 2024-07-05  |
| 001      | 2024-07-06  |
| 001      | 2024-07-12  |
| 001      | 2024-07-13  |
| 001      | 2024-07-17  |
| 001      | 2024-07-18  |
| 001      | 2024-07-19  |
| 001      | 2024-07-20  |
| 001      | 2024-07-21  |


| user_id  | count(1)  |
| 001      | 2         |


  • 这里要求求近30天,由于样例数据固定,所以我们改为求'2024-08-01'的近30天,如果在实际应用中可以使用current_date函数,实际传入参数等方式。
  • 题目属于连续问题,连续问题我们做过总结,解决方案参考一文搞懂连续问题 (opens in a new tab)
  • 题目中明确要求不能使用开窗函数,实际工作中确实存在不支持开窗的场景。开窗函数是一个很有帮助的技巧,但是不使用开窗,直接sql常规处理,很锻炼数据思维能力。







with t_dim_date as (SELECT explode(sequence(to_date('2024-07-03'), to_date('2024-08-01'), interval 1 day)) as dim_date),
     un_login as (select t1.user_id, t2.dim_date, t3.login_date
                  from (
                           select user_id
                           from t18_use_login
                           where login_date > date_add('2024-08-01', -30)
                             and login_date <= to_date('2024-08-01')
                           group by user_id) t1
                           full outer join
                           -- 近30天日期维度数据
                           select dim_date
                           from t_dim_date
                           where dim_date > date_add('2024-08-01', -30)
                             and dim_date <= to_date('2024-08-01')) t2
                           left join
                           select user_id, login_date
                           from t18_use_login
                           where login_date > date_add('2024-08-01', -30)
                             and login_date <= to_date('2024-08-01')) t3
                       on t1.user_id = t3.user_id
                           and t2.dim_date = t3.login_date
                  where t3.login_date is null
                  union all 
                           select user_id,date_add('2024-08-01', -30) as dim_date,null
                           from t18_use_login
                           where login_date > date_add('2024-08-01', -30)
                             and login_date <= to_date('2024-08-01')
                           group by user_id
select *
from un_login


| user_id  |  dim_date   | login_date  |
| 001      | 2024-07-07  | NULL        |
| 001      | 2024-07-08  | NULL        |
| 001      | 2024-07-09  | NULL        |
| 001      | 2024-07-10  | NULL        |
| 001      | 2024-07-11  | NULL        |
| 001      | 2024-07-14  | NULL        |
| 001      | 2024-07-15  | NULL        |
| 001      | 2024-07-16  | NULL        |
| 001      | 2024-07-22  | NULL        |
| 001      | 2024-07-23  | NULL        |
| 001      | 2024-07-24  | NULL        |
| 001      | 2024-07-25  | NULL        |
| 001      | 2024-07-26  | NULL        |
| 001      | 2024-07-27  | NULL        |
| 001      | 2024-07-28  | NULL        |
| 001      | 2024-07-29  | NULL        |
| 001      | 2024-07-30  | NULL        |
| 001      | 2024-07-31  | NULL        |
| 001      | 2024-08-01  | NULL        |
| 001      | 2024-07-02  | NULL        |




with t_dim_date as (SELECT explode(sequence(to_date('2024-07-03'), to_date('2024-08-01'), interval 1 day)) as dim_date),
     un_login as (select t1.user_id, t2.dim_date, t3.login_date
                  from (
                           select user_id
                           from t18_use_login
                           where login_date > date_add('2024-08-01', -30)
                             and login_date <= to_date('2024-08-01')
                           group by user_id) t1
                           full outer join
                           -- 近30天日期维度数据
                           select dim_date
                           from t_dim_date
                           where dim_date > date_add('2024-08-01', -30)
                             and dim_date <= to_date('2024-08-01')) t2
                           left join
                           select user_id, login_date
                           from t18_use_login
                           where login_date > date_add('2024-08-01', -30)
                             and login_date <= to_date('2024-08-01')) t3
                       on t1.user_id = t3.user_id
                           and t2.dim_date = t3.login_date
                  where t3.login_date is null
                  union all
                  select user_id, date_add('2024-08-01', -30) as dim_date, null
                  from t18_use_login
                  where login_date > date_add('2024-08-01', -30)
                    and login_date <= to_date('2024-08-01')
                  group by user_id)
select t2.user_id, t2.dim_date as unlogin_date, max(t1.dim_date) as last_unlogin_date
from un_login t1
         join un_login t2
              on t1.user_id = t2.user_id
where t1.dim_date < t2.dim_date
group by t2.user_id, t2.dim_date
order by t2.user_id, t2.dim_date


| user_id  | unlogin_date  | last_unlogin_date  |
| 001      | 2024-07-07    | 2024-07-02         |
| 001      | 2024-07-08    | 2024-07-07         |
| 001      | 2024-07-09    | 2024-07-08         |
| 001      | 2024-07-10    | 2024-07-09         |
| 001      | 2024-07-11    | 2024-07-10         |
| 001      | 2024-07-14    | 2024-07-11         |
| 001      | 2024-07-15    | 2024-07-14         |
| 001      | 2024-07-16    | 2024-07-15         |
| 001      | 2024-07-22    | 2024-07-16         |
| 001      | 2024-07-23    | 2024-07-22         |
| 001      | 2024-07-24    | 2024-07-23         |
| 001      | 2024-07-25    | 2024-07-24         |
| 001      | 2024-07-26    | 2024-07-25         |
| 001      | 2024-07-27    | 2024-07-26         |
| 001      | 2024-07-28    | 2024-07-27         |
| 001      | 2024-07-29    | 2024-07-28         |
| 001      | 2024-07-30    | 2024-07-29         |
| 001      | 2024-07-31    | 2024-07-30         |
| 001      | 2024-08-01    | 2024-07-31         |




with t_dim_date as (SELECT explode(sequence(to_date('2024-07-03'), to_date('2024-08-01'), interval 1 day)) as dim_date),
     un_login as (select t1.user_id, t2.dim_date, t3.login_date
                  from (
                           select user_id
                           from t18_use_login
                           where login_date > date_add('2024-08-01', -30)
                             and login_date <= to_date('2024-08-01')
                           group by user_id) t1
                           full outer join
                           -- 近30天日期维度数据
                           select dim_date
                           from t_dim_date
                           where dim_date > date_add('2024-08-01', -30)
                             and dim_date <= to_date('2024-08-01')) t2
                           left join
                           select user_id, login_date
                           from t18_use_login
                           where login_date > date_add('2024-08-01', -30)
                             and login_date <= to_date('2024-08-01')) t3
                       on t1.user_id = t3.user_id
                           and t2.dim_date = t3.login_date
                  where t3.login_date is null
                  union all
                  select user_id, date_add('2024-08-01', -30) as dim_date, null
                  from t18_use_login
                  where login_date > date_add('2024-08-01', -30)
                    and login_date <= to_date('2024-08-01')
                  group by user_id)
select user_id,unlogin_date,last_unlogin_date,datediff(unlogin_date,last_unlogin_date)-1 as con_days
select t2.user_id, t2.dim_date as unlogin_date, max(t1.dim_date) as last_unlogin_date
from un_login t1
         join un_login t2
              on t1.user_id = t2.user_id
where t1.dim_date < t2.dim_date
group by t2.user_id, t2.dim_date) t
order by user_id,unlogin_date


| user_id  | unlogin_date  | last_unlogin_date  | con_days  |
| 001      | 2024-07-07    | 2024-07-02         | 4         |
| 001      | 2024-07-08    | 2024-07-07         | 0         |
| 001      | 2024-07-09    | 2024-07-08         | 0         |
| 001      | 2024-07-10    | 2024-07-09         | 0         |
| 001      | 2024-07-11    | 2024-07-10         | 0         |
| 001      | 2024-07-14    | 2024-07-11         | 2         |
| 001      | 2024-07-15    | 2024-07-14         | 0         |
| 001      | 2024-07-16    | 2024-07-15         | 0         |
| 001      | 2024-07-22    | 2024-07-16         | 5         |
| 001      | 2024-07-23    | 2024-07-22         | 0         |
| 001      | 2024-07-24    | 2024-07-23         | 0         |
| 001      | 2024-07-25    | 2024-07-24         | 0         |
| 001      | 2024-07-26    | 2024-07-25         | 0         |
| 001      | 2024-07-27    | 2024-07-26         | 0         |
| 001      | 2024-07-28    | 2024-07-27         | 0         |
| 001      | 2024-07-29    | 2024-07-28         | 0         |
| 001      | 2024-07-30    | 2024-07-29         | 0         |
| 001      | 2024-07-31    | 2024-07-30         | 0         |
| 001      | 2024-08-01    | 2024-07-31         | 0         |


4.限制con_days >=3 得到最终结果


with t_dim_date as (SELECT explode(sequence(to_date('2024-07-03'), to_date('2024-08-01'), interval 1 day)) as dim_date),
     un_login as (select t1.user_id, t2.dim_date, t3.login_date
                  from (
                           select user_id
                           from t18_use_login
                           where login_date > date_add('2024-08-01', -30)
                             and login_date <= to_date('2024-08-01')
                           group by user_id) t1
                           full outer join
                           -- 近30天日期维度数据
                           select dim_date
                           from t_dim_date
                           where dim_date > date_add('2024-08-01', -30)
                             and dim_date <= to_date('2024-08-01')) t2
                           left join
                           select user_id, login_date
                           from t18_use_login
                           where login_date > date_add('2024-08-01', -30)
                             and login_date <= to_date('2024-08-01')) t3
                       on t1.user_id = t3.user_id
                           and t2.dim_date = t3.login_date
                  where t3.login_date is null
                  union all
                  select user_id, date_add('2024-08-01', -30) as dim_date, null
                  from t18_use_login
                  where login_date > date_add('2024-08-01', -30)
                    and login_date <= to_date('2024-08-01')
                  group by user_id)
select user_id, count(1)
from (select t2.user_id, t2.dim_date as unlogin_date, max(t1.dim_date) as last_unlogin_date
      from un_login t1
               join un_login t2
                    on t1.user_id = t2.user_id
      where t1.dim_date < t2.dim_date
      group by t2.user_id, t2.dim_date) t
where datediff(unlogin_date, last_unlogin_date) - 1 >= 3
group by user_id


| user_id  | count(1)  |
| 001      | 2         |


    user_id      string, -- 用户id
    login_date    string -- 登陆日期
    COMMENT '用户登录记录表';
INSERT INTO t18_use_login VALUES

本文同步在微信公众号”数据仓库技术“和个人博客”数据仓库技术 (opens in a new tab) 发表;